With each character having a very specific set of skills, it forces you to think outside the box.

A sharable inventory system also opens up unique ways of solving problems in the game. Vikings also includes some interesting level design with hidden rooms, unique puzzles, and a variety of solutions for combat encounters. Finishing a level with all three Vikings in tow is just as satisfying today as it was as a kid mashing buttons on my SNES. The puzzles, the platforming, and the synergy of the characters are timeless. That’s really what makes The Lost Vikings so enjoyable to fire up after all these years. The fact that it’s executed so consistently well is just impressive. The game’s core mechanic, a three-swappable Character system that relied on all characters making it to the end of the level alive, was both inspired and offered a level of challenge and engagement that most titles lacked in 1992. Speaking of those features there are a few that are worth noting. The most prominent of these core values seen in Vikings definitely has to be innovation and uniqueness. Some of the best features of The Lost Vikings, a now almost 30-year-old title, show the pedigree and core values that would go on to develop the Blizzard brand. Its humor and self-awareness have translated well and are a welcome breath of fresh air from the gritty, competitive games many play today.

Yet, despite its vastly different theming, both visually and narratively, The Lost Vikings has a charm and challenge that is still alive and well today. A far stretch from battling the Red Triangle Circle Gang or working my way out of Castle Wolfenstein. Then along comes a silly, cartoon story about three Vikings on the grand adventure of trying to get home. Batman Returns on SNES and Wolfenstein 3D on DOS (yes I am that old) were just a few of the titles I spent hours shooting and bataranging my way through. Remembering back to 1992 and the games I cherished then, I have to say that they were darker and much more straightforward than this classic. Interestingly, the premise is the simplest part of this delightful gem.
#The lost vikings 2 pc series
Working together they must use their various skills to navigate puzzles and enemies through a series of progressively complex side-scrolling levels. The premise of this classic is simple three Vikings awake on a spaceship, stolen away from everything familiar. Just how well does an almost 30-year-old puzzle, platformer featuring three Vikings lost in space and time hold up? Grab that coffee, kick back and find out in our review of The Lost Vikings for PC, provided for review by the good folks over at Blizzard. With Rock N Roll Racing having crossed the finish line in our review last week, it’s time to head back to the future with The Lost Viking. Three titles were included in the release Rock N Roll Racking, The Lost Vikings, and BlackThorne. For those unfamiliar with the new Blizzard Arcade Collection, the short version is that the good folks over at Blizzard decided to package some of their classic titles into one bundle. Welcome to the second of three reviews for the Blizzard Arcade Collection.